When a parent is trying to figure out if their child is understanding what is being read to them or what they are reading on their own, it can be frustrating. Every child is different and I have learned this from my own children. My first child understands concepts super fast due to his wild imagination and love of sci-fi. My second child is a concrete learner and calls himself an engineer of Legos. My daughter, I am still trying to figure out her interests. The key is to figure out what they like and what they wouldn’t mind talking about. Here is what steps are needed to figure out if a book is age appropriate and a good check on reading comprehension levels.
- Ask Questions about the story that may seem to be unclear.
- If there are any words that may be hard to understand, tell your child to stop and ask you.
- At the end of the story ask your child what the main idea of the story is.
- Finally, ask them to predict what will happen next.
These steps are similar to what the teacher will be asking your child or activities that will be happening in the classroom. Parents- please feel free to add comments to this topic on what helps you if needed! I will accept and appreciate any feedback 🙂 Until next time…